William Devereaux Kendall born 1835
He was born on 12 Apr 1835. He married his first wife, Ada Crawford, on 1 Jan 1868 in Henry Co., Tennessee. Ada was born on 15 Dec 1839 and died on 8 May 1876. They had at least one child who was:
Courts P. Kendall - He was born in 1869. He married Grace Green in 1908 in St. Louis, Missouri. Courts died after 1908.
William married his second wife Kate ? whose date of birth is unknown, but she died on 20 Sep 1899. They had at least one child who was:
Benetta Kendall - She was born on 14 May 1891. She died on 6 Dec 1892.
William received his Doctorate Degree from the University of PA in 1858. He was an Adj. 5th TN Reg CSA from 1861-65. He applied for a Confederate Pension. The 11 Sep 1873 Henry Co. newspaper has an article stating, "Dr. W. D. Kendall was in town last monday, and brought his little son, of 5 years of age, with him in a buggy" The story goes on to say that the horse had gotten spooked on the way home and ran off with the young son, crashing on a bridge and throwing the boy into the ditch under the bridge. Fortunately, the boy wasn't hurt, but the Dr. was so mad that the paper reported that the "horse never grew another inch". William died on 8 May 1909.
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