Lola Mae Stone born 1884
Lola Mae Stone was born on 20 Sep 1884 in Mississippi. She married John Sam Kendall on 25 Dec 1905. They had five children who were:
Howard Henry Kendall - He was born in Mar 1907. He married Lorene sherrill and they had four children. He died in 1994/95.
Willard Raymond Kendall - He was born 20 Mar 1908. He married Maude Lou Cloud and had one child. He died 14 Nov 1993.
Lottie Kendall - She was born 17 June 1910 and died 3 May 1914.
Mary Sue Kendall - She was born in Jan 1914. She married her first husband, Clyde Jones and had two children. Her second husband was Roy King.
Winnie Aleatha Kendall - She was born in 1918. She married Tee Salmon and had five children.
She died on 31 Jul 1971 and is buried in Cobbs Chapel in Obion Co., Tennessee.
Mae (Stone) Kendall
Howard, Mary Sue, Willard
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