Frank Stone born 1893
Frank Stone was born on 6 Jan 1893 in McNairy Co., Tennessee. He married Mary Jo Roney on 5 Sep 1915. She was born in 1898 and died in 1974. They had at least two children and they were:
Wilbur Walter Stone - He was born 25 Sep 1916. He married Thelma Ann ? on 3 Sep 1938 and they had two children, Thanna Gail Stone (Owen) and Jeff Stone. Wilbur died 9 Mar 1978 and is buried at Cobbs Chapel, Obion Co., Tennessee.
Frank Roney Stone - He was born 30 Mar 1930 and is still living.
Frank was one of Obion County's first school bus drivers and drove a bus for the Dixie School for 12 years. He died in 1953 and is buried in Cobbs Chapel in Obion Co., Tennessee.
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