Kendall and Stone Family Acknowledgements

The Kendall and Stone Family histories shown on this site are made up of other peoples contributions combined with a some of my own input. The people who made contributions to this history were:

Cora Ann Brown collaborates with me and much of the information has been supplied by her and her contacts for both the Kendall and Stone lines.

Fred Kindel, one of the most knowledgeable persons on the Kendall family, gave me information at the beginning of my search and runs a great Kendall Webpage at http:\\

Joe Kendall's "KENDALL-L" email list supplied me with a lot of the information on the Kendalls.

Ed Hudson supplied me with a lot of the information on the Kendalls.

Don and Melinda Norton supplied pictures and information on Kendalls and Stones.

Marge Ratliff Schulke supplied the information on Sarah Cathryn Kendall and her descendants.

Morna Lou Crawford from information found among papers of her father Robert A. Kendall; from family Bible of Morna McElyea Kendall. She has a sheet giving names and dates of birth of the children. This was given to her by an Aunt. Also, from information given by relatives and friends who knew them. James Kendall, Union City, was kind enough to allow her to search oldest records he has of Obion Co. Blanche Rumage gave her much information on the family of Robert Smith Kendall. She had brief correspondence with Danya Downey, daughter of Dan Kendall.

Dr. E. M. Jones, gave me information he had collected from other people on the Kendall line.

Cheryl Cleek supplied information on the Kendall and Stone line.

Aleatha (Kendall) Salmon and Mary Sue (Kendall) King supplied pictures and information on the Kendall and Stone lines.

Brown Kendall for information on the Kendall line.

Patricia Anderson for information on Robert Smith.

Robert J. Fansler for information & pictures on the Kendall line, particularly Edward Elms Kendall, Jr.

Ryan Kendall for the photos of Peter and Eli and information on their families. Also for Bible records for the David Kendall Family. The Bible apparently belongs to Pete Brookshire and was transcribed into a book by Charles Sanders.

Charles Hogan for information on Peter Kendalls family and on his wife Nancy and her family.

Brenda ?, Sue Reed, Tom Kendall, Reginald Nairon, Francine Conn Halter, Jim Foster, Elaine Eads Mills, Sue Thompson, John W. Lawrence, Marge Schulke, Danya Downey, Elaine Sheffield, Jerri Rudloff, and Janie Elms Matthews all supplied information.

Arthur Boone Calhoun, Jr. for his information on the Stone and Calhoun families.

Internet sites supplied much of the information.

Information was used from Norman Festus Kendall's book, "History and Genealogy-Kendalls, Snodgrasses, Cunninghams", 1942, Grafton, WV.

Andrea Stone Alonso for the information on Joel Leftwich Stone family.

Maps were supplied by MapQuest at

There was a drive made back in 1990 to purchase Kendall windows for the Cobbs Chapel Church near Hornbeak, Obion Co., Tennessee. The windows were to be quarter inch plate stained glass of a Gothic design. I have not seen these windows and am not sure if they were installed, but believe they were.

This site was constructed by Bill Kendall, who is a Kendall and Stone descendent on his father's side. Additional information on these families would be greatly appreciated.

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