LaDora Cloud born 1861

LaDora and Newton Kern in late 1920's

LaDora Cloud was born in 1861 in Tennessee. She married Newton Adam Kern in Henderson County, Illinois in 1883. They had, at least, five children and they were:

     Frederick Milton Kern, born 2 Feb 1884. He married June Hibbard. He died 29 Feb 1976.

     Clara Mabelle Kern, born 4 Oct 1885. She married James Z. Leinbach. He died 13 Feb 1974.

     Royal Milton Kern, born 1 Jan 1889. He was kicked in the head by a horse and died 4 May            1892 at the age of three.

     Clarence Robert Kern, born 9 Jan 1891. He married Myrtle James on 30 Dec 1916. He died 20      Apr 1968. Dorothy Walker's family is descended from LaDora (Cloud) Kern.

     Drewis James Kern, born 13 Feb 1892. He married Mary Brooks. He died 15 Sep 1960.

LaDora's obituary states that she had six children, but no record has been found of the sixth child that, if existed, may have died in infancy. LaDora died in 1931 and her obituary reads as follows:

     "Funeral services for Mrs. LaDora Kern, who passed away at the family residence in Stronghurst, Illinois, Tuesday morning, August 11, 1931, were conducted at the Christian church in that village last Thursday afternoon by Rev. Delaney Votaw of Streator, a former pastor of the deceased, assisted by Rev. C. W. Vissering, the local pastor, and were attended by a large concourse of relatives and friends. Mrs. R. B. Porter, Mrs. C. W. Vissering, J. Huff and C. Frits sang three of the lady's favorite hymns, "In the City Four-Square", "When They Ring Those Golden Bells", and "In the Sweet Bye and Bye". They were accompanied by Mrs. Ralph Butler, pianist.

Pallbearers were D. A. King, D. R. Gibb, John Johnson, Clem Jarvis, B. E. Sipple, and Percy Veech. Interment was in the Terre Haute cemetery. Many floral offerings gave mute expression of the esteem in which she was held. LaDora Cloud, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William (this is an error as it should have said Benjamin) Cloud, was born in the state of Tennessee, November 25, 1861. When about five years of age she moved with her parents to a farm northwest of Stronghurst, and later to the vicinity of Terre Haute.

On January 25, 1883, she was united in marriage to Newton Adam Kern of Terre Haute township, Illinois, at Burlington, Iowa. To this union six children were born, four of whom, together with their father, survive her, namely; Frederick Milton Kern of Chicago; Clara Mabelle, wife of Jim Z. Leinbach, of Raritan township; Clarence Robert Kern of Media township; Drewis James Kern of Stronghurst. Two sons preceded her in death. There are six grandchildren, Doren, Mildred and Ivan Leinbach; Dorothy, Robert and Marcia Kern; and two great grandchildren, Paul and Glenn Leinbach. She also leaves one brother, John Cloud, of Tiptonville, Tennessee. Three brothers and two sisters are dead viz. James, Isaac and Henry Cloud, Mrs. Callie Cloud Chamness and Tillie Cloud Sanders.

In 1891 Mr. Kern purchased the farm 2 miles north and 1 mile east of Raritan, now occupied by their son Clarence, to which they moved and upon which they lived until 1916, when they retired from farming and went to Stronghurst to live at ease.

Thirty-nine years ago Mrs. Kern was converted in the Hall Tabernacle meetings at Raritan and united with the Christian congregation in that place. On moving to Stronghurst she transferred her membership to the church of that denomination there, with which she was affiliated at the time of her demise. Her everyday life was that of a devout Christian. She was a faithful helpmate, a loving mother and good neighbor, and her passing brought sorrow to a wide circle of friends. Possessed of a cheerful disposition she always saw the bright side of life, and bore her long illness uncomplaining. Her last words were that she was all right.

The following persons from a distance attended the obsequies: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kern, Chicago; Mrs. J. C. Nelson and Mrs. Anna Nelson of Gravity, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boyer and daughter Vella of Sharpe, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hibbard of Galesburg."

The Newton Kern Home near Media, Il 1895

LaDora & Clarence in Buick, Drewis with horse

The Newton Kern home near Media, IL about 1917

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